Visiting a church assembly for the first time is pretty hard for most people…
You don’t know what expect when you walk through the doors. Will the people be friendly? Where will I sit? Will I be embarrassed by being singled out?
We try to make a visit to our worship a simple and painless process…
Everything is fairly informal. People will speak to you; we have a reputation as a truly friendly church.
Our worship service strives to be uplifting, loving, and sincere. There will be congregational singing, prayers, communion service, a collection, reading from God’s word (Bible), and a sermon.
One of the first things visitors notice is that we do not have a choir or musical instruments. We sing and do it with all our hearts.
We believe in the power of prayer. Prayers will be lead by members of the congregation to give thanks to God for His many blessings and on behalf of those who need His blessings and assistance.
The Lord's Supper (Communion Service)
As we gather for worship on the Lord’s Day, we remember the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We honor this remembrance by partaking in the Lord’s Supper. This will include unleavened bread (represents Christ’s body) and grape juice (represents Christ’s blood). This Lord’s Supper is reserved for baptized believers. Any visiting baptized believer is encouraged to participate in this sacred remembrance with us.
At the conclusion of the Lord’s Supper, we give our members the opportunity to return a portion of what He has blessed us with.
Reading of the Word (Scripture)
Our worship will include a reading from the Bible. The Bible passage will bring out the theme of the day’s sermon. It is important to know God’s word is still living and active.
Sermon / Lesson
Our Worship also includes a sermon. The goal of this lesson is to teach God’s word and to assist us in living out our lives as God instructs. The lessons are based upon the Bible. At the conclusion, there is an opportunity extended for those desiring to follow Christ and be baptized and for prayers.