Useful Links
We believe the following works and sources teach the truth of the Scriptures. If you are searching for information on specific topics or want to learn more about the Bible, these sources can help with that learning. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the information presented on these resources, please contact us.
In Search of the Lord's Way
This resource is a work of the Edmond church of Christ in Edmond, Oklahoma. It is a television and radio program that broadcasts at select times. Locally, the television broadcast starts at 8:00 AM on Sunday on WTNZ, Ch. 43. The radio program starts at 6:00 PM on Sunday on WDEH, AM 800. Please visit the program's website for more information.
Gospel Broadcasting Network
This resource is a work of the Southaven church of Christ in Southaven, Mississippi. It broadcasts a variety of Bible-based materials each day of the week. Please visit the program's website for information on where to watch this broadcast.
Apologetics Press
This resource is designed to answer objections to the existence of God, the Bible, and many other topics. If you would like to research these topics more thoroughly, please visit their website.
Christian Courier
This resource features articles on many topics related to the Bible. It also answers questions many of us have when reading the Bible. Please visit the Christian Courier's website to enjoy this material.
In Search of the Lord's Way
This resource is a work of the Edmond church of Christ in Edmond, Oklahoma. It is a television and radio program that broadcasts at select times. Locally, the television broadcast starts at 8:00 AM on Sunday on WTNZ, Ch. 43. The radio program starts at 6:00 PM on Sunday on WDEH, AM 800. Please visit the program's website for more information.
Gospel Broadcasting Network
This resource is a work of the Southaven church of Christ in Southaven, Mississippi. It broadcasts a variety of Bible-based materials each day of the week. Please visit the program's website for information on where to watch this broadcast.
Apologetics Press
This resource is designed to answer objections to the existence of God, the Bible, and many other topics. If you would like to research these topics more thoroughly, please visit their website.
Christian Courier
This resource features articles on many topics related to the Bible. It also answers questions many of us have when reading the Bible. Please visit the Christian Courier's website to enjoy this material.